Тест Флешки Silicon Power 8gb G2

Controller: Phison 2251-70
Possible Memory Chip(s): Not available
Flash ID: 983C98B3 7672
Chip F/W: 09.07.5D
Firmware Date: 2020-11-18
ID_BLK Ver.:
MP Ver.: MPALL v5.18.50
PID: 4300
Manufacturer: UFD_2.0
Product: Silicon Power8G
Query Vendor ID: UFD_2.0
Query Product ID: Silicon Power8G
Query Product Revision: PMAP
Physical Disk Capacity: 7796162560 Bytes
Windows Disk Capacity: 7778336768 Bytes
Internal Tags: 2Q77-SX64
File System: FAT32
Relative Offset: 1024 KB
USB Version: 2.00
Declared Power: 200 mA
ContMeas ID: 4D1E-02-00
Microsoft Windows 10 x64 Build 26100
Program Version:
Warning: Only 300 of 7418 MByte tested.
Test finished without errors.
You can now delete the test files *.h2w or verify them again.
Writing speed: 5.89 MByte/s
Reading speed: 26.6 MByte/s
H2testw v1.4


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